As a fast-growing company, we often receive numerous emails and phone calls from people asking us how they can join our pro staff team. We here at Sea Legend Gear are very selective when it comes to who we allow to represent our Brand. We have attempted to answer this question many times, so we wanted to clarify how this works and hope it would answer any and all questions you may have on this subject.
Brand integrity and reputation are key cornerstones of Sea Legend Gear LLC. No Pro-Staff Member will be retained if found misrepresenting our company, company mission, our products, product features, or product functionality or by any means, using our company as leverage for their own benefit. Any pro staff member in violation of this agreement, in violation of any law, regulation, or found to display inappropriate behavior will be termed from this agreement immediately. Pro staff members should conduct themselves professionally at all times. Be friendly, respectful, helpful, and honest when representing our company. Pro staff members must conduct themselves appropriately and professionally when using social media. Be professional and aware that you are representing Sea Legend Gear LLC when engaging the public. We DO NOT criticize or disrespect our competition. We believe in our products and our ability to excel through innovation and technology for optimum performance. So, there is no need to criticize our competition. Pro staff members may NOT commit the company to any expense, change any materials, or alter any presentation without prior approval. Pro staff members are asked to solicit, promote, educate, and introduce Sea Legend Product Offering to, retail shops, anglers and tournament organizations, and social media whenever possible.
Pro staff is an individual who represent a promotional aspect of a business whether in the fishing industry, hunting industry or fashion industry. The sole purpose of a pro staff member is to simply promote a business that they agree represent on their own time. Many seek positions as a pro staff to promote themselves, receive free/discounted products, which is not what a pro staff is about. Our Pro staff members will promote only Sea Legend products which is incentivized based on business they bring in, and how effective their methods are.
Pro staff involves a lot of work. That doesn't mean having a trophy photo with a big fish, showcasing our logo or product. That is part of it, but it is certainly not the only expectation entailed with our pro staff members.
Promoting a product only goes so far, pro staffers must also be involved wherever possible to push our products in the industry. The company cannot be successful without an industry demand for their products. Some things our pro staffer can do to promote our company and push demand for products would be to attend local and all trade shows, fund raising and fishing events throughout the year.
They can also create content material such as videos, photos and visual prints that can be used for promotional purposes. Social media and online forums play a huge role in today’s market strategies. Therefore, all of our pro staffers must publicly promote the company online in addition to working directly with Sea Legend Gear LLC.
Being a pro staff member for Sea Legend Gear, is not just about incentives. To be a successful pro staffer, it takes effort, time, energy and work to represent a company.
YES, there are PERKS and incentives to being a pro staff member. But each member will have limited access to free and discounted products depending on the amount of work and effort they put into our company. Everything is a give and take. You have to put in your time to receive the rewards. This doesn't mean things are handed out freely each time a member request something. However, we will compensate each member accordingly based on how thorough they promote our products as well as our company in the market.
We look at who you are as an individual and as a fisherman. What role you play in the fishing community. Your understanding in our mission, product features and product functionality. Your ability to adapt and communicate with others about our products. Your passion in teaching and preserving the fishing lifestyle. Do you believe in what we do as a brand, and as a company? Do you believe in what we stand for? We are looking for individuals who believe in our mission and would do whatever it takes to grow with us and get us there. This means, you must be willing to perform the necessary duties of being a Sea Legend pro staff member that we have listed above. Yes, this means attending all events and being involved with the community.
Do you have what it takes to make a difference in our company? If so, we would love for to hear from you! What can you bring to the table and what value can you add? Why you're interested in joining the Sea Legend team? We may not always be looking for pro staff members, but if you have the right qualifications and drive, we can most likely find a spot and role for you.